![[home]](http://htdb.org/images/blank.gif) |
class: Misc.
${checkFeedback(domain_id:uri )}
determines whether feedback has been left for a specified
web page presented via the HTDB document management system.
input | ${checkFeedback(6:htdb/index.html)} |
yields | 31 comments
${morse(string )}
converts a string into morse code. very necessary.
input | ${morse(hello world)} |
yields | .... . .-.. .-.. --- .-- --- .-. .-.. -..
${demorse(MorseCode )}
decodes morse code.
input | ${demorse(.... . .-.. .-.. --- .-- --- .-. .-.. -..)} |
yields | H E L L O W O R L D
notes |
note that mores code is case-insensitive and word
boundaries are not deliniated
${igpayatinlay(string )}
translates into pig latin.
don't snicker. this is important.
input | ${igpayatinlay(hello world)} |
yields | ellohay orldway
${ntoa(long )}
converts long integer into dotted-quad (IP address) format.
handy for decoding the seemingly impenetrable
URLS often found in SPAM email addresses.
input | ${ntoa(4210818301)} |
yields |
${aton(IP address )}
inverse of ntoa.
handy for creating seemingly impenetrable
URLS often found in SPAM email addresses.
input | ${aton(} |
yields | 4210818301
${cleanLines(lots of text )}
removes leading whitespace from all lines in the input string
input | ${cleanLines(when
in the course
of human events)} |
yields | when
in the course
of human events
${imagify(text )}
a family favorite. converts non-tagged text to
image fetches.
${rot13(plaintext )}
simple cipher substitution. some (adobe) would claim
that this is a method of encryption - enforcable by the DMCA.
input | ${rot13(hello world)} |
yields | uryyb jbeyq
input | ${rot13(uryyb jbeyq)} |
yields | hello world